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Could someone please send me the relevant information regarding this case

Could someone please send me the relevant information regarding this case

I am tired to request if I still owes you outstanding monies as I never receive a reply for almost 1x yeat. I made payment on Mr. E.H. van der Merwe`s drs account and nothing as well. How are you guys staff working. Ref to Pieter and Christeen and who else also, I send my ID no and were told to give ref nrs, if I don`t have, can`t the ID number work or how do you follow up on outst paym,nothing to date. Any suggestions to me to stop payment till this is resolved?????

I am tired to request if I still owes you outstanding monies as I never receive a reply for almost 1x yeat. I made payment on Mr. E.H. van der Merwe`s drs account and nothing as well. How are you guys staff working. Ref to Pieter and Christeen and who else also, I send my ID no and were told to give ref nrs, if I don`t have, can`t the ID number work or how do you follow up on outst paym,nothing to date. Any suggestions to me to stop payment till this is resolved?????

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