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Hours not available. Please contact Tamaret Coffee Shop at 021 8527507.

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Recommended Reviews for Tamaret Coffee Shop

The toasted egg and bacon sandwich was dreadful. No-one eats sloppy under-cooked bacon fat. The edges of the egg were burnt and everything had been fried in a dirty pan with burnt bits all over the food and plate. R43.95 is just ridiculous for such poor quality. I've had better and cheaper fare from Wimpy. I won't be back.

The toasted egg and bacon sandwich was dreadful. No-one eats sloppy under-cooked bacon fat. The edges of the egg were burnt and everything had been fried in a dirty pan with burnt bits all over the food and plate. R43.95 is just ridiculous for such poor quality. I've had better and cheaper fare from Wimpy. I won't be back.

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